It can be hard to justify spending money on a good double stroller. Here’s why it’s worth it, why you won’t regret it, and why you should go for it!
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If you have kids close together, you’re going to need a double stroller. A quick search on Amazon will reveal that the strollers with the best reviews are pretty pricey, and it can be hard to justify spending that much money on a stroller. But after using a cheap stroller for three years, talking to lots of moms who have nice double strollers, and finally getting a nice one of my own, I can tell you that it is absolutely worth spending more money on a good double stroller.
I 100% get that it’s hard to fork out $300-$600 for a stroller. That sounds like madness at first. But let me tell you why it’s worth it (and yes, feel free to quote me when you’re trying to convince your husband to get a nice double stroller).
When we were getting ready to have our second baby, the one thing I knew we were going to need was a double stroller. Our first two were 18-months apart, so we needed a stroller that could fit both of them. My husband was in medical school at the time, so in order to save money, I bought a cheap double stroller.
If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while, you’ll know that the double stroller I bought was basically the worst double stroller ever. I’m not even going to tell you what it is because I don’t want you to even entertain the idea of buying it yourself. I toughed it out and used it for three years, and every time I used it, I felt like I was getting an upper body workout because of how hard it was to push. It maneuvered poorly, was super long, and was incredibly hard to turn. Even after three years of using it, I still ran into things. It was that bad.
When we moved to Minnesota, we moved 20 minutes away from our best friends. My best friend Melissa (who is amazing, by the way) let me push around her City Select stroller with the second seat while we were walking around the Mall of America. It was a complete night and day difference from our junky stroller. Not only was it smooth and required little effort to push, but it was SUPER easy to maneuver. I even had my husband push it around for a little bit and he agreed that there was a huge difference. You can use it
In case you didn’t believe me that Melissa was amazing, she also let us borrow her ZOE XL2 DELUXE double stroller a few weeks later while we were at the Minnesota State Fair and even though it was technically an umbrella stroller (so you can’t use it with an infant car seat), it still was 1,000 times better than our stroller we had. It was so light (only 16 pounds!), the umbrella covers were perfect for naps on-the-go, and I could push my two youngest in it with only one hand. I actually loved this one so much that I wrote to the company asking them to send me one, and they agreed, sending me the new ZOE XL2 BEST v2 double stroller. We’re bringing it to Disneyland next month and I can hardly wait to travel with it. ZOE’s customer service is superb, and it’s a small, family-run company, so I love supporting them.
I also wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just me being silly and overreacting because of my horrible, hellish, cheap stroller, so I asked my mama friends what their double stroller recommendations were. The most frequently recommended stroller? The City Select with the second seat. Mamas raved about it. You can even buy it with just the single seat and then as your family grows, buy the second seat and even the glider board
that attaches to the back for any older kids wanting to stand and ride. It’s amazing, and if we have another baby one day, I’m going to figure out a way to convince my husband to get one.
Another one that came highly recommended that several of my friends have is the BOB Revolution PRO Duallie. It’s a jogging stroller so it’s great if you’re going to be going on long walks or runs with your kids, and you want something that’s going to last and hold up over time. It has a car seat adapter so you can use an infant car seat with it, and you can even adjust the height of the handlebar! It’s also great for non-paved roads, so if you do a lot of adventuring, this is a great choice.
Guys, it is absolutely worth it to spend the big bucks on a double stroller. Yes, it’s an investment, and yes, it’s hard, but you really do get what you pay for. And if you plan ahead, you might be able to score a deal on Black Friday or at a Mother’s Day sale or something. And if money is tight like it was for us in medical school, save up, ask family to help you buy it for your baby gift, or even try and find a used one somewhere. It’s so, so, so worth it to buy a good double stroller, and the only thing you’ll regret is not getting one!
Katie Clark says
We didn’t get one when Oliver was born, but there are times I wish we had one – like at Disneyland. Jack ended up sitting in the basket. hahaha. I’ve seen some pretty amazing double strollers lately that seem a lot better than the monstrous ones that take up all the room!
Chelsea Johnson says
Oh man, I can’t believe you don’t have one! Does Jack not complain constantly about having to walk places?
Holly says
I bought a Zoe stroller after watching/reading your reviews and I LOVE it! My littlest is only 3 months so he just lays flat, but it’s going to be great when they can both sit up!!
Chelsea Johnson says
I’m so glad you got one and love it! They are AMAZING!!!
Shannon says
My girls are 2 and 4 (and tall for their age). How would they fit in the Zoe xl2? Is it easy to push two older kiddos, even with the stroller being “light”? Thanks!
Chelsea Johnson says
Yeah, they would definitely still fit! My almost-5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter are both tall for their age, too. I pushed them both in the stroller while my baby was strapped into my chest carrier at the mall yesterday. I even pushed it with one hand sometimes!
Erin says
Would the Zoe be ok for walks around the neighborhood (bumpy sidewalks/roads) or is it better designed for malls and city sidewalks?
Chelsea Johnson says
The only place that I haven’t liked pushing it (or wouldn’t really recommend) is on dirt paths or roads.