Thoughts every parent has when they take their toddler to a restaurant. A funny look at how ridiculous it is to eat out with your toddler.

Even before the my husband and I were married, eating out was one of our favorite things to do together. And when we had kids, that didn’t change.
Unfortunately, what has changed is the level of difficulty that comes with eating out with kids. More specifically, eating out with a toddler. Every time we go, we think “why did we do this!?” and then for some insane reason, we do it again the next week.
I specifically remember the first time our son was super bad at a restaurant. It was at Chili’s and we were out with some friends. He would not sit in the high chair, he was super loud, and when we finally gave in and let him get out, my husband and I had to take turns eating and chasing him around the front of the restaurant. It was the worst.
I am optimistic that every other parent who has ever had or has a toddler can relate. It’s pretty much a joke taking a toddler out to a restaurant. Here are thoughts that every parent has when they take their toddler to a restaurant.
“This is going to be so fun! I’m excited I don’t have to cook for everyone!”
“Should we get a booster seat or a high chair?”
“How about a booster seat. He can handle it, he’s big.”
“Don’t slide under the table.”
“Don’t grab the salt and pepper.”
“Don’t dump the salt and pepper.”
“Don’t yell!”
“Everybody already hates us.”
“Here, have a spoon to play with.”
“Should we order him a kids’ meal?”
“If we don’t he will eat all of our food, but if we do he won’t eat any of his. Plus it’s like five bucks for just a tiny bowl of macaroni.”
“Let’s just order him some food and we can take home what he doesn’t eat.”
“Don’t bang the spoon on the table.”
“Move that knife out of his reach.”
“Don’t stand up.”
“Sit down.”
“Don’t go under the table!”
“Can we get a high chair?”
“Make sure he’s buckled in!”
“Oh good, the food is here! Distraction!”
“Let me cut up your food so you will actually eat it.”
“Eat your food.”
“You like this! You picked it!”
“No, you can’t have any more of Mommy’s fries.”
“Why did you give him some of your fries?”
“I should’ve brought some snacks.”
“I should’ve brought some toys.”
“Don’t spill your drink!”
“Why did we do this again?”
“Everyone around us hates us.”
“Please stop screaming!”
“The floor is so messy. There’s so much food where he is sitting.”
“Our poor waitress.”
“Can we get some to go boxes?”
“We are never, ever, ever doing this again.”
But we all know that’s a lie.
Kersten says
This seriously made me laugh out loud!! How true it is lol! One time, when our toddler was 16 ish months, he smacked a bowl of salsa and got it all over his outfit AND mine of course! My husband was laughing so hard! Then the waitress took soooo long to get our to go boxes. It was quite the fiasco lol!!
Chelsea Johnson says
Haha thanks!! I’m glad! It’s so awful trying to take them out sometimes. I definitely feel for you! My daughter (even though she isn’t a toddler yet) spilled rice all over herself and myself at a girls lunch a few months ago. Not quite as messy as salsa, but I get the idea!!
Carisa says
Hilarious!! We have had all of those thoughts… And we rarely eat out!
Chelsea Johnson says
Right? Maybe they are so bad because we are supposed to go on dates without them haha!
Kim @ 2justByou says
LOL I love this post! It’s just so true.
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks so much! Isn’t it the worst? They are so cute but for some reason they become monsters at restaurants!
Meagan says
I can see how there are so many mixed emotions about taking kids to restaurants, especially for new parents. I know I’d be worried about a number of things if I had kids. This is great information to think about when prepping to go out. Thanks for sharing!
Chelsea Johnson says
You’re welcome! I hope that when you do have kids you get to go out without the kids every once in a while! Because it’s rough!!
Lena says
Haha! Oh my word I laughed all the way through this. We don’t eat out much at all (especially now with B’s dairy sensitivity) but I do recall having experiences like this. Oye!
Chelsea Johnson says
Isn’t it awful!? Now any time my husband and I go out by ourselves we almost don’t know what to do with ourselves!
Katie says
Haha! This is SO true. My husband and I have always loved eating out, and we weren’t about to let having a baby stop that (though our wallets may have thanked us if we had haha.) It wasn’t until recently that we actually started consistently getting Jack a kid’s meal, because he would seriously eat none of it, and they are expensive! We sometimes would get one because we felt guilty, since Forrest and I always share a meal (and sometimes…it’s a free meal). Jack isn’t too bad at restaurants, but there have definitely been some times where many of these thoughts have crossed my mind.
Chelsea Johnson says
Aren’t they so expensive!? It’s ridiculous that a hot dog and fries can cost $5 or $6 at a restaurant. And I have definitely felt guilty for not getting him one, too!!
Katelyn Fagan says
THE worst part of taking my kids out to eat is LEAVING! Why must it take SO DANG LONG for the waiter to get us that tab and process it and get our to-go boxes? When toddlers are done eating, they are done eating, and moving right along, which simply means, i am trying to corral them somewhere or to do something as we idly wait at our table. It’s terrible.
Chelsea Johnson says
Yes! That is a problem, too! Once the food is all gone and there’s nothing left to distract them, it gets even worse!
Jessica Dimas says
LOL!!!!! Yes!!! Oh my gosh this made me laugh so much, especially the not getting a high chair and then getting one later, bahahaha. We ALWAYS say “why did we think this was a good idea?” lol. And then we ALWAYS do it again. So, so true!!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks! I’m so glad it made you laugh!! It’s such a battle going out to eat, but it’s almost worth it to not have to cook sometimes! Even if it’s a nightmare!
Jennifer says
This is hilarious! We love to eat out and that definitely isn’t going to stop when the baby comes, so I guess I should start preparing myself mentally now… Haha
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks! It’s not too bad at first. Especially when your baby will just sleep in the car seat! But once they start sitting in a high chair, then the fun begins!
Cassidy Cruise says
Take-out is my friend! 🙂
Chelsea Johnson says
Right? Embrace it!