Feeling connected to something bigger than yourself is important for every mom, regardless of what you believe. Here are ten self-care ideas for moms to improve your spirituality.

Before I even get started with this post, I want to explain what I mean by “spirituality,” because it can mean a lot of different things. Spirituality, in terms of this post, refers to connection to something bigger than ourselves.
For some spirituality can mean feeling connected to God, a higher being, the universe, or nature. Spirituality includes the beliefs and values that guide you, finding meaning in your life, and having inner peace. It’s not going to be exactly the same for anyone because we all have different life experiences that shape us.
I’m including spirituality in my self-care series because I think there are lots of self-care ideas that relate to spirituality. I also think that it’s important to take care of our spirits, because when we don’t, we can feel lost and like we don’t have direction in our lives. Nobody wants that!
I also wanted to make sure that the self-care ideas I included for taking care of our spiritual selves fit for people of all beliefs. I’m a religious person, but I know that many people aren’t, and I wanted to include all mamas, regardless of what they believe.
Here are 10 self-care ideas for spirituality to help moms feel connected to something bigger than themselves.
Self-Care Ideas for Spirituality
There is very little peace and quiet in a mother’s life, and sometimes that’s exactly what we need to feel calm and know what we’re supposed to do with out lives. So after your kids are in bed, while they’re napping or at school, or in the morning before you get out of bed, just sit in silence for a while. Take deep breaths, focus on your breathing, and try to clear your mind. It might feel weird at first, but if you keep it up, you’ll notice a difference in your spiritual well-being.
Practice mindfulness
I almost didn’t even want to use the word “mindfulness” because it’s so overused, but being intentional and mindful of what’s going on in your life, around you, and inside you is important. It can help you appreciate and recognize all that you have, and help you stay calm when things start to get chaotic. This podcast episode from Awesome with Alison is a good place to get started if you have no idea what I’m talking about.
Read something inspiring
What you read is totally up to you. It might be an uplifting book, scripture, a powerful talk or sermon, or a self-help book. Reading always helps me think bigger and is a great way to expose yourself to new perspectives and ideas.
Go for a walk
The key here is that you go by yourself, without headphones, so you can pay attention to what you hear, see, and even smell. Not only will you feel better just because you’re moving your body, but you’ll be able to clear your mind, think, and enjoy nature.
Get together with people who have similar beliefs
The most common way to do this is going to church, but if you aren’t religious, you can still find a local group with similar beliefs that you can meet up with. I love listening to people with the same beliefs as I do and hearing their stories and their perspectives on different things. It’s so eye-opening and inspiring.
Traditionally, people pray to God, but if you don’t believe in God, you can pray to whatever you believe in! Pray in a quiet place either out loud or in your head. Prayer is a great way to reflect on what you have as well as what you might need help with, and communicate those thoughts to the higher being you believe in. I know people who “pray” simply by asking the Universe for what they want! It really doesn’t have to be a big formal thing if you don’t want it to be.
Be grateful
Being aware of all the good things in your life and having gratitude for them is a great way to take care of yourself spiritually because it helps open your eyes to all that you have, which then lifts your spirits! Look around you at all that you have, big and little. You can even take it one step further and start writing in a gratitude journal. Even just sitting down to write one thing a day can help you see all that you have in your life.
Plant something and tend to it
It’s hard to match the fulfillment I have felt standing in my garden smelling the soil and eating fresh vegetables. There’s just something so unique about growing plants. Watching them grow really brings you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction! Sure, so does raising a kid, but unlike kids, plants don’t talk back.
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Want to feel connected to something bigger than yourself? It’s pretty much impossible not to feel that when you’re watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset. One of my friends recently shared that she’s been trying to catch the sunrise every morning and how it’s changed the way she starts her day. Now every time it’s clear enough to see the sunrise, I take a moment to really stand there and appreciate it. It’s such a simple thing to do for self-care, and it’s hard to describe why it makes me feel good, but it really helps me start my day with a feeling that I am not alone in the universe.
I’ve never been a great singer, and I don’t like singing in choirs or big groups, but singing hymns at church and at home is my one big exception. There’s so much power that can come from singing, especially when it’s about or directed towards a higher being. Song lyrics can be so emotional and heartfelt, and I love the feeling I get when I sing hymns. And again, if you don’t believe in God, the songs you sing to lift you up don’t have to be religious!
Being a mama is draining in all areas of our lives, and that definitely includes our spirits. Taking care of our spirituality can help guide us and help us find direction, meaning, and purpose in our lives. The times in my life when I’ve taken care of my spirit are the times in my life when I’ve been the strongest, even when hard things were happening around me. We need all the strength we can get in motherhood, no matter what we believe in.
Check out the other posts in the Self-Care for Moms series:
- Self-Care for Moms – A Six-Part Series
- Self-Care for Moms – Physical Health
- Self-Care for Moms – Mental Health
- Self-Care for Moms – Finding Yourself
- Self-Care for Moms – Connection

Bottom photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
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