Self-care for moms is such an important, must-do. With all we have going on, self-care is not optional! Here’s the intro to a six-part blog series breaking down five different parts of self-care for moms and how to make it work for you.

Any time I ask my fellow mamas on Instagram what kinds of posts they want to see or what things they need help with, self-care is always one of most requested topics.
Last year when I wrote my “New Year, New Mama” series, self-care was one of the topics that people wanted to see, and while I touched on it, it was just a brief mention in a bigger post.
I’ve been blogging for six and a half years, and I’ve never written a post about self-care. Why?
I truly believe that taking care of yourself is important, especially as a mama. The reason I’ve never written about it before is because it’s such a big topic; I didn’t know how to do it justice!
Over the last two months, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to think of everything that self-care covers. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s going to take more than one post to cover everything I want to say–six actually.
For the next few weeks, I’m going to be breaking down self-care into five parts: physical health, mental health, finding yourself, spirituality, and connection. There are so many parts of us to take care of that I want to really dive in deep and go through them!
One of the things I really feel passionate about is helping mamas enjoy their lives, and if we’re not taking care of ourselves, it’s hard to feel happy and fulfilled! This self-care series is really meant to help you figure out how to take care of yourself so you can feel like you’re at your best.
I do want to mention a few things before we start talking about everything self-care.
First, if you want to make a plan for yourself and work on improving your own self-care, start with one thing at a time. If you try and do everything at once, you’ll be overwhelmed and discouraged and possibly even give up. We definitely don’t want that!
Second, give yourself grace. You don’t need to strive for perfection because we can’t achieve perfection in this life. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others, because we all come from different backgrounds and have different trials, strengths, and weaknesses.
Last, self-care is not optional. It’s not something you “should” be doing or something that only some people do. Self-care is something you have to do. You can’t drive a car on empty with low oil and flat tires, and you can’t function at your best when you don’t take care of your own empty tank, low oil, and flat tires, either.
My goal with this series is to encourage every mama to recognize how simple self-care can be and to make it a part of their everyday lives. When we take care of ourselves in all the ways we need to, we’ll be ready to take on the good, the bad, and the oh-my-goodness-don’t-put-my-keys-in-the-toilet days.
You’ve got this, Mama! It’s time to focus on you!
Check out the other posts in the Self-Care for Moms series:
- Self-Care for Moms – Physical Health
- Self-Care for Moms – Mental Health
- Self-Care for Moms – Finding Yourself
- Self-Care for Moms – Spirituality
- Self-Care for Moms – Connection

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