9 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Nursing Top: There are lots of cute styles of shirts made specially for breastfeeding, and here are 9 great reasons why you need at least one!
I received free product in exchange for this post.

When Little J was born, I had no idea what to expect with breastfeeding. I had heard stories about people who had horrible bleeding nipples, people whose babies would never latch, and people who had to give up breastfeeding because of their babies’ digestive issues. Needless to say, I was a bit worried. But I got lucky and Little J was able to nurse without any problems until he was 8-months-old. The only thing I had a problem with was that some shirts weren’t very nursing friendly, and in the winter, it was hard to nurse him with all the layers I needed to keep warm. I never heard about nursing tops, so I just toughened up and dealt with it. But when he was done nursing, I was a little grateful that I could wear what I wanted again. Now that Little A is here and nursing well, I am dealing with the same things.
Two months ago, I was contacted by the UK-based Seraphine. I talked about them in my post about the best places to shop for maternity clothes in store and online. Celebrities and royalty (Kate Middleton, anyone?) have worn their cute clothes, so I was thrilled that they wanted me to try out a nursing top! I didn’t have any nursing tops when I was feeding Little J, and while I dealt with it, there were definitely times when I really wished I had one. After getting to try out the Green Glitter Long Sleeve Nursing Top, I have come up with a list of reasons why you should definitely invest in a nursing top (or several!). Note: all the shirts pictured can be found on Seraphine’s website.
1. A lot of nursing tops are a bit baggy, so you can easily hide your post baby belly. I love my top because it is form-fitting in all the right places, and that doesn’t include my tummy! I was able to put it on a few weeks after Little A was born and feel confident in it that nobody would be looking at my post-baby bulge!

2. They make it much easier to nurse in public. You can’t always plan your schedule around breastfeeding, and sometimes, you have to nurse while you are on the go. Whether you wear a nursing cover or not, a nursing top that just pulls down makes it a lot easier to nurse when you are in public. You don’t have to worry about your stomach being flashed when your baby moves around, and you don’t have to feel like you have so many layers when you are wearing a nursing cover. It is definitely a lot more comfortable to wear a nursing top when you have to nurse in public.
3. They keep your stomach warm. Winter is fast approaching here in Iowa, and I am not looking forward to the bone-chilling cold that comes with the humidity. But with a nursing top, you don’t have to pull up your shirt, so your stomach stays nice and warm!
4. You don’t have to pull up your shirt. This sort of goes with the one above, but it’s nice to just be able to pop, zip, or pull down one side of your shirt. I especially hate having to always get readjusted and tuck things in after pulling up my shirt. Much easier to be able to just pull down a little spot and nurse.

5. There aren’t a bunch of layers falling on baby. This probably isn’t a big issue in the summer when you don’t wear a lot of bulky layers, but as it gets colder and I start wearing sweaters and more layers, it gets harder to keep Little A’s face uncovered. It’s nice to just be able to pull your shirt down and not have to hold up all those layers the whole time you are feeding your baby!
6. It’s easier to see your baby. I like to be able to see my baby when I am feeding her (part of why I am not a fan of nursing in public), and when you wear a nursing top that zips, pops, or buttons down, you can see your baby a lot easier. This may just be a preference I have, but it is definitely a reason I like to wear a nursing top as opposed to a regular shirt.

7. There are several different types of nursing tops so you can find what works for you. On the Seraphine website, there are tops with zippers, with buttons, with double-layers (wraps, panels, and flutter tops), drapes, and shawls. So you will definitely be able to find your own style. And the tops don’t look like they are nursing tops, which is my favorite part. The zippers, buttons, double-layers, and drapes just look like features on the shirt!

8. Some tops allow for discreet nursing. Similar to number two, but some tops make it so you don’t even have to wear a nursing cover. Flutter tops are great because you don’t necessarily have to wear a cover. Which, as a mom who has to tote around things for a baby and a toddler, it’s nice to be able to leave a nursing cover at home!

9. A lot of them double as maternity tops, too! A lot of nursing tops are made with stretchy material like stretch jersey, linen blended viscose, or bamboo knit, so you can wear them over your baby bump and then continue wearing them after your baby is born. This is really handy for people who don’t want to buy maternity clothes and nursing clothes on top of their normal wardrobe. It’s nice to have a dual-purpose shirt!

So, have I convinced you yet? Seriously though, I highly recommend investing in at least one nursing top, because once you try it, you are going to want more! And Seraphine is the perfect place to look for one, because they have so many cute styles and options for nursing tops (as I’m sure you have seen from the pictures!). So go check them out, because if you are nursing, you definitely need to invest in a nursing top!
Britt Hanson says
Shut up. These are the cutest shirts ever.
Chelsea says
I know! You would never guess they were nursing tops, right??
Cathy says
I love reason number 1! It's so true that they help with that baby belly.
ashley says
I def need to get me a handful this time around. I am due the 19th so I probably should go shopping asap! 😛 Last time with my daughter I always felt super uncomfortable bfing in front of people mainly bc clothing wise I was prepared for it, making it a handful to deal with. & nursing covers do not always help! Great post!
Chelsea says
How exciting! It definitely helps when you have something you are comfortable in. I dread having to nurse on-the-go when I don't have a nursing top!
Chelsea says
They do!!! And then you can worry about more important things!
dishofdailylife says
Wow! These are so much nicer than what I had when my babies were born! They are great looking!
Rachael says
Those are the cutest nursing tops I have ever seen. I love them!
Kevin says
It will be easier at any activity, Without removing whole shirt or top you can be open up your breast easily and it would be useful for baby and mother.
rebecca says
I love how stylish all of these are, they'd make some great gifts for new moms too!
Chelsea says
I can only hope that things keep getting better! I can only imagine how things will be for my kids!!
Chelsea says
That's a great idea! What mom wouldn't love a cute way to make nursing easier??
Chelsea says
Don't you love them?! It's amazing to see how little they look like nursing tops, too!
Chelsea says
Exactly! It makes it easier and more comfortable for mom and baby!
Chelsea says
Good! I am glad I could share this wonderful site with you! It really helps when you feel comfortable in what you are wearing when you have to breastfeed!