Love this simple, free, printable nature scavenger hunt for toddlers! It’s easy and perfect for little learners who want to explore. The perfect outdoor activity for toddlers!
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I haven’t really talked about it much on the blog, but I have crazy allergies. I’m basically allergic to nature. And of course, as luck would have it, I passed on my allergies to both of my kids. My son’s allergies show with his super dry and sensitive skin, and my daughter’s allergies translate into a runny nose (she has to have a nose spray and she’s only 1!). It’s awful.
It’s especially bad during the spring and summer months when all we want to do is be outside. My kids both love being outside, but some days it’s not worth facing all the allergens. So on the days we do go outside, we really try and make the most of it!

I decided to take full advantage of spring weather and created a fun nature scavenger hunt for toddlers! And yes, I know my son just turned three and is technically a preschooler, but he loved this activity, too.

The best part of this little scavenger hunt is that I made it for you, too! All you have to do is print,


and go outside!

On my scavenger hunt, I included easy things to find like a stick, a dandelion, a clover, a green leaf, a bug, and a rock. The only one we didn’t find while we were outside was a bug, but most days my kids find them all over! I think it was just too chilly when we went out!

My daughter is 20-months, and she even loved this activity. Our area has a ton of dandelions right now, so they were both picking as many dandelions as they could and holding them up to the scavenger hunt to show me they found them.

Hopefully you can find all of these things in your area. I tried to make it pretty general so your little ones could find everything. And even if they don’t, at least you get to be outside! I think one of the best parts of this activity is that it encourages toddlers to get outside and explore!

And a quick note about the laminating: I highly recommend it. Our paper fell on the ground more times than I could count. It got stepped on, it got wet, and at one point even blew down the sidewalk a bit. Having it laminated saved it and made it so we can easily use it again later! I have a Scotch PRO Thermal Laminator and I love it. It’s small, super easy to use, and was pretty inexpensive. Plus I can also laminate special things the kids make that I want to save!

As always, please only use this for personal use. Don’t sell it because I drew this myself and it took me a lot of time!

Susannah says
What a fun idea! It won’t be long until Caleb will be able to do things like this!
Chelsea Johnson says
It’s so much fun to start doing activities like this when they get big! I’m sure you’ll love it as much as he will!
Emily says
What a great activity! We used to do small scavenger hunts like this when my son was a toddler! So much fun to get them outdoors and exploring their environment! #client
Chelsea Johnson says
Fun! It really is a great way to help them get excited about nature and the things around them!
Kersten Lindhardt says
Oh my goodness! I’ve been trying to think of fun summer activities for the kids but hadn’t thought of a scavenger hunt. My kids would LOVE this since they are so fascinated with finding things outside! Thanks for the free printable!
Chelsea Johnson says
You’re welcome! And it’s super easy to make scavenger hunts for anything, so I hope you get to do some of your own, too!
Katie Clark says
So fun! We love scavenger hunts. We made one awhile back, but this one looks like a ton of fun too. Great for little kids!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Katie! It was super fun!
Maria @ Pastels & Macarons says
I am SO in love with this nature scavenger hunt idea! I will have to do this with my boys. Thank you for this great printable 🙂
Chelsea Johnson says
Thank you, Maria!!!
Marci says
Chelsea!!!! This post just popped up on my Pinterest and I got so excited that it was your blog! Emma cried this morning that she just missed J and it made me sad for her!
Chelsea Johnson says
That’s so cool and so sad about Emma!!! We miss you guys already, too!!!
Kara says
Do you mind if I share this on my Instagram page? Giving you full credit of course?
Chelsea Johnson says
Sure! You can tag me at @lifewmylittles, too!
Bella says
We’re going on a big driving trip in summer, this will be a perfect activity for us, thank you so much!
Chelsea Johnson says
Sounds fun! I’m glad I could help!