This kid-friendly Valentine’s Day charcuterie board is such a fun idea for lunch or dinner. It’s easy to put together, and there are lots of great pink and red food suggestions included so you can make your own! Making a charcuterie board for kids has never been easier!

Ever since I saw charcuterie boards on Pinterest and Instagram, I’ve been intrigued. Not so much by the simplicity of a plate of meat, cheese, and fruit, but by the versatility. You can literally do anything with a charcuterie board!
With our decision to homeschool this year, I wanted to do something special that would still make Valentine’s Day fun for them. We aren’t handing out valentines or having a party or anything, but they’re still looking forward to the holiday.
I decided to surprise them with a kid-friendly Valentine’s Day charcuterie board for lunch! There are lots of kid-friendly foods that fit into the Valentine’s Day color scheme of pink, white, and red, and I knew they’d love sharing a tray of their favorite foods.
I went shopping by myself so the foods all stayed a surprise (and it was a treat for me!), and then the next day, I put this together for lunch! And yes, to be fair, we’re early and Valentine’s Day is still two weeks away, but that’s the life of a blogger.
I wanted to share my kid-friendly Valentine’s Day charcuterie board with you all, and give you a master list of foods you can add to your kids’ special lunch!

Kid-Friendly Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board Food Ideas
Fruits and Veggies
Red grapes
Sliced red apples
Cherry tomatoes
Sliced red bell peppers
“Main Courses”
Chips and salsa
Mini waffles (I used cinnamon toast Eggos)
Heart-shaped PB&Js
Heart-shaped cheese ravioli and marinara (from Costco!)
Baby Bell cheese
Rolled deli meat (turkey, ham, chicken)
Cheese slices cut into hearts
Pink princess goldfish
Bagel bites
Heart-shaped mini quesadillas
Surprisingly, my kids didn’t argue at all over who got what. I think the variety of foods was so exciting for them that they just had fun with it and were okay sharing with each other. They ate almost everything on the board, and didn’t complain that they were hungry for hours!
You could also do a small dessert board after, later in the day, or even just add a few special desserts onto your main charcuterie board. I had planned on putting it all on one, but I had so many good lunch things that I didn’t have room!
Heart-shaped chocolates (like Dove)
Chocolate covered pretzels
Valentine’s Day M&Ms
Mini cupcakes
Rice Krispy Treats
Chocolate dipped-anything
This kid-friendly Valentine’s Day charcuterie board was a lot of fun, and I may have to make another one for our actual Valentine’s Day lunch! I do still have some leftover heart ravioli!!

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