Keeping your baby’s gender a secret? Don’t want to know what you’re having until they’re born? If you’re planning on waiting until your baby is born to find out the gender, this is a great post! 5 tips for keeping your baby’s gender a secret until they’re born!

Even before I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to know if I was having a boy or girl. I’m not big into surprises and I like to have everything ready when there’s a big life change coming up. Being surprised just isn’t my jam.
But some people love the anticipation of not finding out their baby’s gender until he or she is actually born, and that’s fabulous! If you’re one of those people, then this post is for you! Here are some helpful tips for keeping your baby’s gender a secret until delivery.
5 Tips for Keeping Your Baby’s Gender a Secret
Let the tech know immediately for any ultrasound
Obviously you want to let the ultrasound tech know right away if you’re planning on keeping your baby’s gender a secret. That way they won’t let tell you what you’re having!
Have the ultrasound tech tell you when she’s going to look at the reproductive organs
You don’t want to be looking at the screen when she heads down south because you might accidentally see what’s up. You’ll want to look away during that part if you’re planning on keeping your baby’s gender a secret!
Look away at the start of the ultrasound
Since you might not know your baby’s position before the ultrasound, your tech might put the probe on your belly and immediately see your baby’s reproductive organs! This happened to us twice with our third baby (there was no doubt he was a boy after that!), so just be aware that if you’re planning on not finding out, look away!
Let the doctors and nurses know
Your doctor will have access to the ultrasound images so make sure he or she knows that you don’t want to know what you’re having. It’s okay to bring it up at every appointment just so they don’t forget. You might sound like a broken record, but that is totally fine!
Ask if you can put a note in your chart so the nurses and doctors don’t let it slip
This might sound excessive, but it could be a good idea to have a little note on your record so that your nurse doesn’t come in and ask you how baby boy is doing before you know you’re even having a boy! Whoops!
Keeping your baby’s gender a secret until delivery can be a lot of fun (I mean I’ve never done it, but I assume it is!). Hopefully these five tips will help you be surprised when your baby is born! And boy or girl, babies are the best!

Christine says
I was never able to be surprised by my baby’s genders. I’m one that has to know as soon as possible! But I admire those that can wait, because I think that would be so fun!
Chelsea Johnson says
I agree with both of those things!
Katie Clark says
My pregnancies are already full of enough surprises, so we like to find out. But these are great tips for anyone who doesn’t!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Katie!
Ros Emely@stressfreemommies says
Great tips for moms who want their baby’s gender a surprise. I’m like you though, I need to find out what I’m having, I can’t deal with the waiting, lol.
Chelsea Johnson says
Right? I’m not a patient person! I have a hard enough time waiting until the anatomy scan!!
Joy Butler says
When we had our first baby, we’re so excited to get the ultrasound result. My husband was even about to faint after he saw the baby’s image on the monitor. What a sweet experience as first time parent for both of us!
Chelsea Johnson says
It’s such a special moment!