How to easily remove poopout stains: the secret to getting out new or set-in stains caused by baby poop blowouts! Works every time!

If you don’t have kids yet, this might sound like a gross post. But it is actually incredibly helpful! I guarantee every mom has had to change a poopout or two in their lifetime (most likely more). We had a week last month where Little A had a poopout almost every morning. She just was always in the wrong place at the wrong time (on her back, in the Bumbo, in the jumper). I tried using regular stain remover on her clothes, and nothing worked. So I set to work trying to find the perfect way to remove poopout stains. And guess what? I figured it out! And it also works on set-in stains! I tried it on a few of Little J’s old onesies and it got those stains out, too. So it’s pretty much amazing.
Also, disclaimer, I say poop a lot in this post. But if you are actually reading this, then I assume that you are here because you have a stain to remove, so the word won’t bother you. Also, there are pictures of a poopout. So watch out for those. You probably shouldn’t read this unless you are actually a mom and have this problem. It’s legit gross. But also a legit problem.
After a lot of experimenting, I found out the 100% foolproof way to get those stubborn baby poop stains out. Hooray! No more ruined onesies, no more embarrassing stains on the back of your baby’s clothes, no more frustration because you’ve tried to wash it out three times! No, this magical formula will get your poop stains out the first time. And it’s super simple and easy!
You just need water, OxiClean powder, and Clorox 2 Stain Remover and Color Booster.

First, rinse off the offending poop stain in cool water. You just want to make sure you get any chunks off.

Next, combine a little bit of water and a lot of OxiClean powder to make a wet paste. You want enough water so that the OxiClean mostly dissolves, but not so runny that it just pours freely onto the stain.

Now rub the mixture into the stain. Be generous with how much you put on the stain.

Let the mixture dry for at least an hour. You want it all hard and stiff.

Once it is dry, soak it in warm water with a scoop of OxiClean and a little Clorox 2. I would recommend soaking it for 30 minutes-1 hour. Then run your wash cycle.

After this, your stains should be 100% gone! But before you throw the clothes in the dryer, double-check real fast just in case. I have yet to encounter a tough stain that needs to have the steps repeated before it is dried, but I’m sure it will happen at some point.
Anyway, you should now have poop-stain-free baby clothes! Hooray! And so simple, too! Think of all the clothes you can save now!

Good luck getting those poopout stains out. And next time your baby has a blowout, you can laugh and say “no big deal!”
Luli says
Loved our post!!! Thanks!! Will try it in the next blowOut!!!
Chelsea Johnson says
Good luck! It always works for us!
Luli says
*YOUR post
Jennifer says
Does this work for any stain?
Chelsea Johnson says
It might! I haven’t tried anything else, but it’s worth a shot! Let me know if you try it and it works!
Anita says
This is awesome! I'm so excited to try this. We've been having them on a daily basis around these parts!
Chelsea Johnson says
I know what you mean! Every once in a while we’ll have days with two in a row, and I’m like what is happening?! But luckily, we can save all Little A’s clothes so it’s not a big deal!
Betty says
Does this work on colored clothes?
Chelsea Johnson says
It works on colored, white, or printed onesies.
Yoji says
Have you had luck with this working on stains on clothes that had already been washed and dried?
Chelsea Johnson says
I have! You need to soak it in the water longer, but in my experience, it does get them out!
Blayne says
So I have this beautiful silk dress in purple & just discovered a huge stain (looks like someone spilled coffee or something) near the bottom. Do you think if I use this trick, it will fade the purple? I’m so sad. :/ I don’t even know what spilled, so it may not even work.
But i can’t wait to use this on all of my son’s stained clothes! This child poops on everything.
Chelsea Johnson says
I don’t think it will fade the purple because it’s just stain remover. I’ve used it on things that weren’t white before and I haven’t had a problem, but they weren’t silk. I guess if it already has a stain it probably wouldn’t hurt to try and get it out!
Amanda says
I have a washing machine that has a tray specifically for oxy clean, and there is a setting called “sanitary with oxy”. I run all of baby’s clothes on that setting, and I haven’t had any poop stains set in so far! Now, banana and avocado stains from where she gets food all over, yes… Oxy clean is amazing and I am a lifelong fan.
Chelsea Johnson says
That sounds amazing! Can we trade washers for a day? Thank goodness for Oxy Clean, right?!
Katelyn Fagan says
I did a search on Pinterest for how to remove poop stains that this was the first pin to show up! Go you! I may have four kids, but I am still looking for the perfect winning combo for getting rid of poop stains. My daughter stains her clothes like EVERY DAY! It’s terrible. I’ve been washing her clothes usually multiple time and just want a better solution. I will add this to my list of recipes to try.
Chelsea Johnson says
That’s awesome! Now that my kids aren’t pooping out, I do still use this on food stains. It usually works, but there have been a few times when there’s been a tiny little mark left. I’m not sure what it is from, but this is still my first line of defense against stains!
Bridget says
This is amazing! Does this work for any spor or stain?
Chelsea Johnson says
It has worked for most stains I’ve tried!
Melissa says
This is the best thing to get those pesky poop and spit up stains. I tried it on 3 year old stains and it worked. I also had a friend try it on a 27 year old stain and it worked!!! Thanks so much Chelsea!!
Chelsea Johnson says
You’re so welcome!!! Thanks for commenting!!
Kayla Collins says
Have you had success using oxi on colored clothes too? I tried it a long long time ago and it left a big bleached out spot… Bummer! Not sure if the product has changed since then… But was nervous to try!
Chelsea Johnson says
Oh no! Yes, I used it on any color and any print and never had a problem.
Jamie says
And if that STILL doesn’t work…. set them out in the sun for a little while. I’ve gotten lots of poopouts out (sometimes even after accidentally drying the clothes with a yellowish tinge still on them) by letting the sun “bleach” it out for an afternoon. Or just hanging in a window for a few days that doesn’t get a whole lot of direct sunlight…
I’m excited to try this, though!! Hopefully I won’t ever need to use the sun trick again 😉
Chelsea Johnson says
Good luck, and thanks for the tip! I have heard that one too, but I’ve never not gotten one out with this mixture!
Melanie says
We haven’t had too many blowouts yet, but we’ve just used dawn dish soap and that has worked great for getting out the poop stains!
Chelsea Johnson says
Good to know! And hopefully you won’t have many more! We’ve been lucky with our little guy so far and haven’t had any! I can hardly believe it!
Melanie says
I am reading your post and I am excited to try this on stored baby clothes that have a set poop stain. Your post doesn’t mention how much warm water to soak it in.
Chelsea Johnson says
You just want it to be submerged.