DIY Advent Calendar Garland: Simple fabric pockets make up this cute and easy Christmas advent calendar!

In college I took a “Religion in the Home” class where we learned about how different religions practice their beliefs in their homes. It was really a great class, and I loved seeing the similarities between Latter-day Saints and other religions. One of my favorite things that I learned about were advent calendars. I had never done an advent calendar (unless you count little chocolate ones) growing up, and I thought it would be a really fun way to celebrate the season and count down the days until Christmas. I wanted to make an advent calendar last year, but it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I finally got around to making one. And I am excited to share it with you!

This is a simple advent calendar that I made using fabric pockets, iron-on transfers, and my printer. I love the way it turned out!

It didn’t take very long to make, and I love that the pockets are big enough to put an object, a note, or a treat inside. I can really do whatever I want with the activities and little gifts for each day!

To make this advent calendar, here is what you need:
- 1 2/3 yd 38″ muslin
- 1/3 yd of four different Christmas fabrics
- Matching thread
- Iron-on Transfer Paper
- Printer
- Mini clothespins
- Twine
First, cut 24 rectangles of muslin 11″x 6 1/2″, and 24 rectangles (6 each) of your Christmas fabrics 11″x 3″.

Second, fold your cotton Christmas rectangles hot-dog ways (yes, I just said that), wrong sides together, press, and sew the long edge with a 1/4″ seam.

Third, sew them to the muslin with a 1/2″ seam. You will want to line up the sewn side with the raw edge of the muslin (see picture).

Fourth, fold the pocket together, right sides together, and sew along the bottom and side with a 1/2″ seam.

Fifth, turn right-side out and press.

Sixth, open up a word document and type 1-24. Use the grid on your document and make sure that your numbers are smaller than 5×5.5″. Then print on light iron-on transfer paper and transfer your numbers to your pockets. Make sure you mirror-image print, or you will waste a lot of transfer paper. You can try doing one of those fancy tutorials people have posted on Pinterest using wax paper, but I could never get it to work for me (crappy printer?). Transfer paper is the easiest way to go.

Seventh, hang up your adorable advent calendar garland and you are done!

What kinds of things do you put in your advent calendar?
Samsam Cherie says
What a great idea!!!! My siblings and I always had Christmas count-downs growing up, whether they were Advent calendars, chocolate-filled pockets, paper chains, or nativity play sets that let you add one character per day throughout the season. It's such a great way to get excited about the holidays. My mom would only let us add our piece/take our chocolate/etc. if we were GOOD that day, and let me tell you, it didn't always happen! It was just a little incentive for us to be on our best behavior and be rewarded at the end of the day with a treat 🙂
Your pockets turned out so well! Way to go!
Britni says
This is so cute Chelsea! Love it.
Katie Clark says
This is so cute! I loved the advent calendar that my mom had for us growing up. I think it's such a fun tradition!
Chelsea says
Thank you! I love it, too!
Chelsea says
Fun! I haven't heard of little nativity sets, but I love that idea! I think as my kids get older I may have to take some of your tips!
Chelsea says
Agreed! I can put little slips of paper with activities or little treats and stuff. I can't wait to try it out!!
Chelsea says
I wish we had had one growing up. I'm excited my kids will! And thanks!
Jennifer says
We had an advent calender when I was growing up and a absolutely loved it. I got so excited counting down to Christmas! I love that the pockets on your calender are big enough to fit candy or other small objects. A lot of the advent calenders sold in stores are too small.
Jessica says
Ohhhh you are so crafty, I love the things you make, they're always so cute! I've never done an advent calendar either but I know my boys would loooove to do one, especially if they had little treats in them!
Chelsea says
Thanks! I am sure Little J will look forward to opening each pocket each day when they involve treats, too!
Stacy says
This is such a cute idea! What font did you use?
Chelsea Johnson says
It’s the Sketch Block font!