Not sure where to find a good nursing bra? Here are the best nursing bras recommended by real, breastfeeding moms, and where to find them!
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All together, I have spent 27 months of my life breastfeeding babies. During that time I have tried a lot of different nursing bras. I am 100% a fan of wearing an actual nursing bra rather than a regular bra and just pulling it up every time I nurse.
Some of the nursing bras I’ve tried have been great and others not so great. A good nursing bra is definitely something that can make breastfeeding a more enjoyable, comfortable experience (especially in between feeds!).
Today I want to share two of the best nursing bras I’ve tried and also a few that have come highly recommended by several of my mama friends!
Where to Find the Best Nursing Bras
Bravado Designs Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra
I got this one when I was nursing my second baby and I wore it through nursing her and then almost every day of nursing my second son. It’s super comfy, doesn’t have any underwire (so you can wear it as soon as you start nursing), and it provides a lot of support and a lot of coverage. It’s just now falling apart and I wore it almost 18 months, so you know it’s good! Plus the pads come out so you can wash it really easy and not worry about the padding getting all bunched up or wrinkled!
Gilligan & O’Malley Comfort Nursing Bra
I got this one with my first son and wore it almost every day, while I slept, and then half the time I nursed my daughter. I also wore it for a while with my second son, too. It doesn’t have any padding but it’s great for sleeping or for the beginning of nursing. I originally got it at Target but couldn’t find it in store anymore. Luckily, they sell it on Amazon! I also had another friend recommend Gilligan & O’Malley nursing bras, too. They have several kinds at Target if you want to try them on before buying!
iLoveSIA Womens Seamless Nursing Bra Bralette
Not only do these have insanely high reviews on Amazon (4 1/2 stars with 2215 reviews), but I had three separate friends recommend them. And one of those friends nursed twins, so you know they have to be good! They come in a three pack, don’t have any underwire, and also have removable foam pads. If we ever have another baby, I want to try these!
Soma nursing bras
I’ve heard great things about Soma bras before, and my best friend told me that they have nursing bras, too! She said some moms in her moms group recommended them to her and she loved them! They have several different styles and colors on their site, so you can definitely find one that will work for you!
Cake Maternity Cotton Candy Seamless Sleep & Yoga Nursing Bra
My friend Katie from Clarks Condensed recommended these, and I did a quick search on Amazon and found this one 4 1/2 stars with 392 reviews! It comes in different colors and the back looks pretty cool, too! I also love the high coverage in the front!
Le Mystere Sexy Mama Nursing Bra
Don’t let the “sexy mama” name of this one turn you away. I had a friend recommend it and it looks awesome! I love that it makes you feel sexy while you’re nursing. If you want something a little fancier and less basic, this one is for you!
Bonus tip:
I also learned that Nordstrom will turn any bra into a nursing bra for $10! Amazing, right? If you really don’t want to go buy a nursing bra and you already have a bra that you love, this is a great option. Especially if you aren’t sure about ordering a bra online and you want to make sure it’s going to be a perfect fit!
Hopefully this post helps you find the best nursing bra for you! I know there are a lot of nursing bras out there and it can be overwhelming to try and decide which one you want to get! But these are some of the best nursing bras and they all come highly recommended by other mamas who’ve been there! Good luck!

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