Currently: What’s going on this month for Life With My Littles
Hey friends! It’s finally (or already) May! I can’t believe it’s here! This is the biggest month of the year for us, with some big changes and exciting milestones coming up! Last month we went to Disneyland and had a BLAST! You can check out posts all about it here, here, and here. And here’s what’s going on with us this month:
Moving to Texas! On Friday (as in four days) we are moving to Texas! I am trying to pack up the last of our stuff as we get closer and closer to our moving date. I didn’t really start until a week ago, but I think I am doing pretty well! Our moving truck comes Wednesday, we load it up Thursday, and then we leave Idaho on Friday. It’s super exciting and I can’t wait for our new adventure, but it’s going to be hard to leave. We took a lucky opportunity to come live here for a year and we were glad we did because it brought us closer to my husband’s family. We’ve had a lot of fun hanging out with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their adorable daughter, as well as my husband’s grandparents and aunts and uncles that live in the area. Hopefully we get some visitors at our new house in Texas!
Taking a little break while we move and unpack. I will be taking next week off, which I think is pretty understandable. Don’t expect any new posts until Monday the 16th, because we are going to be busy unpacking, organizing, shopping for new furniture, and building and planting our garden. It’s going to be a busy time, but also super fun! And I’ll be ready to go with new posts for you when I come back!
Anticipating my husband’s graduation from medical school! Ah! I can’t believe it! How in the world is it that we moved to Iowa four years ago so he could go to medical school? Iowa was perfect for us, and a little piece of my heart will always be there. I can’t wait to go back for graduation and visit our best friends and eat at our favorite restaurants. And both of our families get to come out, which is such a gift! I know that sounds silly, but the last four years have been hard and I am so proud of how far we’ve come and the hard work that my husband has put in so that he (and we) could be where we are today.
Listening to the Pregnancy Perfect podcast by Kayla Geddes. I discovered it last year, but I have been saving up episodes for months so that I can listen to them and keep myself awake on our drive down to Texas (we have two cars so we have to drive separately!). Since I am basically obsessed with pregnancy, I love hearing about other women’s experiences and things that worked for them. The Pregnancy Perfect podcast was basically made for weirdos like me! If you haven’t checked it out, you should! Mamas will love it!
Enjoying our last week in Idaho. One of my goals for the month was to enjoy the rest of our time in Idaho, so we have been trying to pack in all the fun things and yummy foods we’ve been wanting to try. One of those things included going up to Yellowstone for our sixth anniversary last weekend (which is what my currently picture is of!). We saw THREE BEARS! We saw a lone black bear and then a mama and baby black bear. We were told there was a second cub in the tree, but didn’t see him. It was AMAZING! It was my husband’s dream to see a bear in the wild, so we were thrilled that we saw THREE. We also saw tons of buffalo (and babies!), elk, an osprey, a wolf, and a few deer. We also stopped at Old Faithful, which was cool! The kids liked it a lot. It was a fun way to spend our anniversary. Anyway, we’ve also tried to eat at our favorite restaurants (and our favorite taco wagon), as well as enjoy time with our family who live here. We’ve been busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So that’s what’s going on with us! We are going to be super busy this month with packing, moving, unpacking, planting, organizing, and traveling to Iowa, but it’s going to be amazing! I can hardly wait!
Kersten Lindhardt says
Well it sounds like you are going to have a crazy but fun month! Good luck with everything!
Chelsea Johnson says
Yes! We are excited! Thanks, Kersten!
Ros Emely@stressfreemommies says
Good luck Chelsea! how exciting and taking a break is definitely understandable 🙂
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Ros! I am super excited and I think I’ll be all ready to go after my break!
Tayler Morrell says
Things are super exciting for you!!!
Chelsea Johnson says
Yes! It’s going to be a fun, busy, tiring month!
Christine says
Lots of exciting changes for your family! I hope everything goes smoothly.
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Christine! Me too!
Katie Clark says
It sounds like such a busy but fun month. So excited about your husband’s graduation – what an accomplishment. I hope that your move goes well. We are moving pretty soon, too, though fortunately this time it’s only 10 minutes away!
I need to listen to Pregnancy Perfect. I’m a weirdo who loves everything about pregnancy. Sounds like the perfect podcast for me!
Chelsea Johnson says
You should definitely listen to it! You’d love it! And yay for short moves! But still make sure you’re prepared! We moved across the street to a different apartment two years ago and it was probably the worst organized move we’ve ever had!!
Chelsea Johnson says
It seriously is the best podcast! I listened to I think like 16 episodes in two days and it made me just want to write my book so bad!! I love pregnancy, haha! I hope your move goes well! We are unpacked and settled and LOVING it here!
Maria @ Pastels & Macarons says
Sounds like so many great things going on for you right now! Moving, graduating, taking a break 🙂 Yay. Love the feature photo also, stunning.
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Maria! We sure have been enjoying our summer!