Blogging 101: How to Monetize Your Blog. Great tips on how to make money blogging from a blogger who is doing it herself
This post contains affiliate links.

Welcome to part four in my Blogging 101 series, how to monetize your blog. I’ve loved sharing my blogging tips with you, and I’ve had a lot of people tell me how helpful they have been! So I can’t wait to share this final part in my series and tell you how to make money blogging.
If you haven’t seen my other posts, I have also written How to Start a Blog, How to Grow Your Blog, and Using Pinterest to Grow Your Blog. They are most helpful in order, so go check those out before you read this one!
Right now I make around $1,000 per month. Some months are better than others, and some months are worse. It depends on lots of different factors like season, pageviews, and how well you work things into your posts.
As far as monetizing goes, there are a few different ways to go. You can write sponsored posts, you can place ads on your site, or you can use affiliate links in your posts. I am going to talk about where I started and where I am now so you can see sort of how I have worked to monetize my blog. Then I want to talk more specifically about the different ways I monetize my blog.
Some tips when monetizing your blog.
1. Work with companies you like and actually endorse so that you can be honest and real when you promote them. If a company reaches out to you that you have never heard of or that you don’t use, it’s going to be harder to promote them. I have had a few companies reach out to me that sell pregnancy things, but since I am not pregnant right now, I’m not going to promote them because I want a chance to try them out first. If you lie or sound fake in your promotion, people are going to be turned off by your blog.
2. Make sure you promote companies that are going to be relevant to your readers. If you write a parenting blog, it might not be relevant to promote a company that sells men’s clothing. But it would be relevant to promote a kids’ clothing company or a mom and baby deal site like Zulily. Think about what your readers are coming to your site for and then figure out what kinds of companies fit that.
3. Reach out to companies. It took me a long time to build up the courage to ask a company if I could write a sponsored post for them. But they had something I wanted and I knew it would be something my readers would be interested in, so I asked. Sometimes companies will say no (or not even respond at all, which is super annoying), but sometimes they will say yes, and it’s awesome!
4. Be patient. It’s going to take time before companies start reaching out to you. But they will if you are good at blogging and if you keep working hard to write amazing content. So don’t give up, and if they aren’t contacting you, contact them!
5. Be cautious when someone contacts you. When someone contacts me I always look up the actual product on Amazon or some legit source. If their website seems sketchy or the product seems fake, then politely tell them you are not interested, and thank them for contacting you. I’ve had companies contact me who essentially sell magic pregnancy pills. One look at the email and I know I’m not going to write for them. So be cautious, and pick products that you trust.
6. Include a privacy policy/disclosure page on your blog. And also make sure you put a disclaimer before any posts with affiliate links. It’s the law, so make sure you do it. This is what my disclosure page looks like.
Okay, so now I want to share with you some of the companies I have worked with in monetizing my blog. I work with different companies (mostly) now than I did when I started, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t good companies. And if you are looking for a place to start, these are super helpful.
1. AdSense. When I started my blog in August 2013, I first put a few AdSense banners on my site. The first month I made $4.71, the second month $15.54, the third month $27.85, and the fourth month jumped to $66.91. You get money when people click on the ad banners with AdSense, so the more pageviews you get, ideally the more clicks you will get. I do not use AdSense any more, but it was a great place for me to start, and I would recommend it.
2. Shareasale. I learned about from when I was working as an administrative assistant for a popular apron company. When I started my blog, I decided I would check it out and see what kinds of things I could do with it. You apply for programs that you are interested in, and then once you are approved, you can put coupons, affiliate links, and ad banners on your site for those companies. You get a commission when someone clicks on your link and then buys something. You have to manage your own stuff, but if you are good at working links in, it can really pay off. I don’t use this anymore because all the companies I used to use switched to a different affiliate site, but it’s definitely worth checking out.
3. Collective Bias/Social Fabric. I just started working with them in November of last year, and it has been a lot of fun. Essentially you apply to work on campaigns for different companies in order to promote their product. I love it because it gives me a chance to figure out ways to be creative and tie the products into something that I want to write about. One example is my New Dad Kit where I wrote about Irish Spring Signature soap and body wash. You get reimbursed for the products, and then you also get paid on top of that for your post/social media promotion. It’s great for bloggers just starting out, but I rarely work with them anymore because they don’t pay much compared to other companies I work with.
4. Amazon Affiliate Program. I just started using this recently, but I am loving it so far. The idea is you link to products on Amazon, and you get a commission when someone buys something after clicking your link. The thing I love about it is that if you are already recommending a product (like I do in my Best Baby Purchases post), you can link to it so people can buy it themselves if they want. This works great if you are already talking about a certain product. You can use links, pictures, or text and pictures.
5. Private ad companies. Currently I use AdThrive, and I love them. You get an account manager who works to help you optimize your ads so you can make the most money. Before that I was using a different company that was super inconsistent and really tough to contact and get answers from. I would recommend asking other bloggers who they work with before signing up with someone, because I’m sure if I had done that with the first company, I would’ve have signed up. But I love using AdThrive and I am making really good money with them so far.
7. Other sponsorship websites. Some of these that I work with include Izea, TapInfluence, Massive Sway, and Clever. There are a lot of them, and you just have to find ones that work for you.
Okay, so that’s a lot of information, but if you are here because you want to monetize your blog (which, if you are still reading, is why you are here), then those are my not-so-secret tips to help you out. I hope they help. You can make money blogging, even if it does take some time. I am so glad that I’ve been able to monetize my blog because it has been such a huge help to our family while the Mister has been in med school. I hope that you are able to use these tips and make some money, too! Good luck!
Do you have any other tips on how to make money blogging? Let me know!
Stephanie Daigneault says
Great tips! Thanks for sharing. I have friends ask about this all the time.
Chelsea Johnson says
Glad I could help! I got a lot of questions about it, too, so writing a post about it with all I knew made sense!
Meagan says
This is so awesome! I really want to monetize my blog and have come across roadblock after roadblock. I really need a lot of help and this is a great start. Maybe I’ll reach out to you with more questions once I look into a few of these things. I need all the help I can get! Thank you for sharing!
Chelsea Johnson says
Yeah, definitely do! It can be confusing and I haven’t even mastered it. But hopefully what I have shared helps!
Jessica Dimas says
You are seriously amazing and also so awesome to share all of these tips! I think it’s so great all the ways bloggers can make money, and you do such a good job at it. You are the best at writing sponsored posts, they are so original and even helpful rather than sounding robotic and fake. I’m loving this series you’re doing!! Pinned 🙂
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks! It can be hard to make them sound natural but I love the challenge of tying them into something I already want to write about! I’m so glad you’re loving my Blogging 101 series! I wasn’t planning on doing any more, but maybe I will have to now! says
I appreciate all of these tips! My goal is to work on reaching out to companies. I’ve done a little bit of it, but with not much luck, and you’re right-it can be discouraging! When it works out, though, it is worth all the effort!
Chelsea Johnson says
Agreed! It can be hard trying to phrase things professionally and also awkwardly asking for free product! I actually just sent an email trying to get something for my daughter’s birthday party. It was scary, but I’m hoping for good results!
Ros Emely @ stressfreemommies says
Thanks for the info! I enjoyed reading it and learning all the ways to monetize my blog. It was really helpful.
Chelsea Johnson says
You’re welcome! I am so glad I could help!
Amber Corkin says
This is great advice! Thanks for sharing your experience with each. Aubri and I are starting to look into monetizing and you’ve given us a great start.
Chelsea Johnson says
You’re welcome! It definitely helps to read tips from someone who has been there! Good luck!
Nina Londeman says
Hi Chelsea, thanks for all that information in one place! I have been scouring the internet high and low, it’s great to have it all summed up. Thank you for your honesty, it is so hard to find ‘real’ examples!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Nina! I’m glad I could help out!
Linda says
This is such a great series! I just started blogging and I’ve learned a lot so far. I feel like I can learn from your mistakes because of all of your tips. Thanks so much for sharing!! Love your site!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks, Linda! It definitely helps to get tips from someone who’s been there!
Heather says
So can I use shareasale affiliate program in addition to say adsense? Sorry my eyes are starting to glaze over with the technical terms and I don’t want to mix two programs that I shouldn’t. I currently have adsense ads on my site and am part of the Amazon and the Painted Fox Home (I love farmhouse decor!) affiliate programs. I am really trying to up the monetization for my site. Thanks.
Chelsea Johnson says
Yup! I did until I switched from AdSense. I don’t know if there’s a limit to how many companies you can work with, but I would guess no. Unless they specifically say you can’t work with a competing company, you are in the clear!
Denver Nario says
Really great advice on each points. I wish I can apply them all at once. 🙂
Chelsea Johnson says
Good luck!