A list of nine things to do with your husband before your baby is born. These are all great things to do with your husband while you are pregnant that you won’t be able to do when your baby is born!

Last week I shared 5 things to do with your husband before you get pregnant, and now I’m going to share things you can do with your husband before your baby is born!
These are things you can still do when you are pregnant, but that are difficult (or impossible!) to do when your baby is born.
It’s so important to cherish those last months and weeks with just the two of you, because things are going to change real quick once baby arrives! It’s not a bad thing! But things will be different when there’s a tiny bundle of joy in your lives. Making the most of the time you have before that happens is what this post is all about!
Things to Do With Your Husband Before Your Baby is Born
Take a weekend trip
When you have a baby, you can’t just up and go places for the weekend when you want. Babies need a lot of things and they definitely require a lot of extra planning and room in your suitcase. It’s hard to go on a quick trip when you have to do things around nursing your baby and naptime.
Go take a weekend trip before your baby is born! It will be a great thing for you and your husband to do together before you become a family of three!
Go to a nice dinner.
Having a baby makes it harder to go out to dinner. Even if you leave your baby at home with a babysitter, it can be stressful (I don’t think that’s just me).
Go out to a nice dinner that you can enjoy together without having to worry about your baby waking up or crying or feeding. It will be relaxing and a good way to spend your last few months (or weeks, or days) together before baby arrives.
Go camping
I’m sure some people would be fine taking a baby camping, but like I said earlier, babies require a lot of things and it would be hard to take them all on a camping trip. Until your baby is several months old, it will probably be pretty hard to go camping (and even then it’s a lot!) so do it before your baby is born!
Go out with friends
If you haven’t already noticed, having a baby makes things more difficult (at first, but it’s so worth it!). Before your baby is born, go out on a double or triple date with friends. Our best friends were due two weeks before us, and it was fun to do things together before our babies were born! It took a while after they were born before we got the courage to go out with two babies!
Go to a sporting event
We took Little J to a baseball game when he was three-months-old and it was awful. He pretty much cried the whole time. So before your baby is born, go to a baseball, basketball, or football game and enjoy getting to shout and clap and yell. Because once your baby is born, they will not appreciate all that noise!
Go to a movie
I can’t imagine that the audience would appreciate you bringing your baby to a movie once they are born, so go see a movie in the theater before! Plus, depending on how often your baby eats, you may not even be able to leave them with a babysitter once they are born to go see a movie.
Take afternoon naps
Once your baby is born, you won’t be able to take long afternoon naps together. This is definitely something I miss doing, and I wish I had done it more before our littles were born! There’s something relaxing about taking a nap with your husband in the middle of the day!
Enjoy lazy days and nights
Once your baby is born, you won’t be able to just sit around watching TV and doing whatever you want. So spend a nice lazy evening together binge-watching your favorite TV show together. Because when your baby is born, chances are he or she won’t let you sit on the couch for hours at a time!
Enjoy your last few months with just you two
It will go by so fast, and it won’t be just the two of you again for a long time (at least 18 years!).
Do you have any other ideas of things to do with your husband before your baby is born? Let me know!!

Kersten Lindhardt says
SERIOUSLY NUMBER SIX! Where was this list before I was a momma?! Would you believe if I told you I haven't gone out to see a movie since my almost 3 year old was born? We are all about the Redbox stay at home date nights these days lol!
Chelsea says
I definitely would believe you! It was until just last month that I was okay with someone other than my parents staying and watching our kids!
Jessica says
LOVE LOVE LOVE, yes to all of these! My youngest is almost 2 and we have yet to go camping since having our first, who is almost 4. Just the thought of being out in a tent with super little ones is stressful. I'm hoping we can go soon since my youngest is able to run around and be semi self-sufficient now! These are great tips, Chelsea!
Chelsea says
Thanks! We haven't gone camping either, and my husband keeps saying how we need to go next summer. All I can think about is how hard it's going to be to go with two tiny kids!! Good luck when you finally get to go! And thanks again!