Being a mother is watching something you created learn about the world. It is watching that little person learn to talk, dance, draw, and grow

Being a mother is being scared out of your mind when your baby chokes. It’s being terrified because you don’t know what to do, and praying with all your heart that it will be okay.
Being a mother is putting off the fact that you have to pee for hours until finally you can’t take it anymore. It is also peeing with the door open when you finally do sit down.
Being a mother is getting out of your warm bed multiple times a night to reswaddle, comfort, and hold your crying baby.
Being a mother is being okay with getting spit-up on when you are on-the-go. It’s knowing that sometimes, that is just part of the job.
Being a mother is letting your arm fall asleep because your baby fell asleep on it and you can’t move. It is sacrificing your own comfort so your baby can get the nap she’s been fighting all day.
Being a mother is cleaning up barf on the carpet multiple times a week. It is not being bothered by the scent or appearance of barf, because you have cleaned it up so many times.

Being a mother is trying to raise a person to be the best they can be. It is teaching them all they can and then letting them make their own choices. It is rewarding and it is painful.
Being a mother is carrying around a big bag for your little people instead of one just for you. It’s only using one little pocket of the bag to keep things for you, and sacrificing the rest of the space to carry around everything your little people might need.
Being a mother is having to write everything down. It’s a full schedule so you have to write down anything out of the ordinary that might need to get done.
Being a mother is taking a three minute shower in the afternoon while your baby sleeps in the bouncer right outside the door. It’s also sticking your head out of the shower every thirty seconds to make sure your baby is still sleeping.
Being a mother is never having much time for yourself. It’s cherishing nap time and trying to be as productive as you can while still being super quiet.
Being a mother is being barfed on in the middle of the night and having to change your clothes and your baby’s clothes, and wipe down the chair you were sitting in.
Being a mother is loving someone more than you ever thought possible. It’s feeling like your heart is completely full, and then realizing you can love even more.
Being a mother is sneaking into your child’s room just to watch them sleep. It is wanting to wake them up so they will play with you, but knowing that waking them prematurely won’t be fun for anyone.
Being a mother is looking at a tiny human being and seeing yourself. It’s seeing your good qualities and bad qualities exhibited in another person.
Being a mother is sacrificing 9 months to carry a life inside of your body. Being a mother is sacrificing 18 years to raise a child. Being a mother is sacrificing your entire life to love, worry about, comfort, teach, feed, clothe, and mother another person.
Being a mother is the best job in the world
Britt says
<3 Loved this post, Chels.
Samantha says
Aww <3 I'm not a mother, but one day I hope to be as good of a mother as you are! This is such a wonderful post! I think my mom would argue though, you don't stop being a mother once your little turns 18 ๐ I'm 21 and I still count on my mom for tons of things! ~ Samantha
Kersten Lindhardt says
This post describes it perfectly! I was nodding, laughing and feel your words pull my heart strings a little bit the whole post!
Chelsea says
Thank you so much!
Chelsea says
Aw, thanks Samantha! It's true! Being a mother means sacrificing your whole life!
Chelsea says
Thanks, Kersten! That makes me like I did it justice!
Jessica says
This post is beautiful Chelsea, I was getting a little choked up reading it! Specifically the parts that applied to me today, which was holding off on peeing until I couldn't anymore and carrying around a huge bag and using just the tiny little pocket in the front for myself. And then when my 2 year finally took his nap, I just kept staring at him and giving him little kisses lol, being a mom is so much work but so amazing. Love love love this post.
Chelsea says
Thank you! I wanted to make it universal for all mothers, but also put in things that were more personal. I'm glad you loved it!!
Britni says
Love these Chelsea! I always tell K that he's my best buddy because he really is. ๐
Chelsea says
Right? You spend more time with them than anyone else, and you know them better than anyone else, too. They are our little best friends!
Lori Allred says
that was beautifully put darlin!
Chelsea Johnson says
Thanks ๐
Lori says
Isn’t it the most amazing job ever!!
Chelsea Johnson says
Yes!! It is!!
Kelly says
I adore this post. Every single one is correct. As attached as my little man is and how little I get done, when he’s sleeping I just wanna hold him forever. I never knew how much love you could have for someone until he came along. <3
Chelsea Johnson says
That’s exactly how it is. And it only gets better ๐